At some point over the Christmas holidays, we get together with Karb Family to trade stories and play games and to give the boys some play time together. With plans changing because of Jeremy's broken arm, my mom's sudden trip to Poland and us thinking about going away for a few days, it was a hard to commit to date. When we dropped the plans to go away, our calendar cleared up.
I had suggested to Tina that the Karb boys could sleep over, removing one less worry.
So last night we had the Karbs over for the annual Christmas gathering. We munched away on snacks and listened as the kids played - who knew four boys could be so busy. We played a short round of Star Wars Trivial Pursuit (which Joe won) followed by a round of crokinole (Joe and Jen soundly beat us, though we did manage to score 15 points).
The boys, save for Corbin, eventually fell asleep. Corbin decided to watch a Harry Potter movie in the office. We didn't mind as he was being quiet.
This morning, Tina made pancakes for everyone - thanks hon. The Karb boys got dressed and played some more before Joe and Jen picked them up.
It was a fun night and it was good for the boys to spend some quality play time with each other.
Posted by Adam