Friday, 25 January 2008

Brantford or Bust

I decided to take the boys to Brantford to give Tina a break and so that she could clean up the crawlspace without interruption.

The drive to Brantford was uneventful and we arrived early enough so that I could be some chips at the chip wagon. Yum. Babcia was excited to see the boys. They played and played and played.

Things were going okay until I told Corbin to change into his pyjamas and to change them in my room, not Babcia's. Things went badly very quick. Corbin became totally non-compliant and went into a loud and long tirade. I had to call Tina to see if she could calm him down - and he did.

Later Corbin and I talked about what happened and had a really good discussion.

Posted by Adam

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