Saturday, 19 January 2008

Jeremy's Birthday Party

With Jeremy's birthday falling during the Christmas holidays, we decided to have Jeremy's birthday party - the one with his friends - in January.

Tina sent out the invitations to Jeremy's classmates and we got 6 or 7 "so and so will be attending" responses. Corbin invited a classmate. The Karb boys also attended. Even Bev & Gerry came down from Goderich to spend some time with their grand children.The birthday was held at the Forest Glade Community Centre. They provide the food save for the cake, keep the kids busy with games and do all the cleaning up. Who could beat that deal?

The party began at 1:30. Jeremy wasn't quite sure what to make of it. But he - and his friends - had lots of fun. They did lots of running around in the gym before having hot dogs, chips, juice and birthday cake. Then it was present opening time - which Paul, one of the workers, handled very well. Tina enjoyed the concept of watching the party. It was all over by 3:30.

Jeremy enjoyed the party - as did all his guests.

Posted by Adam

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