Tuesday, 2 September 2008

Back To School

Three words that most parents love hearing. Let me say it again. Back To School.

Today, Corbin began Grade 5 and Jeremy was starting Senior Kindergarten.

It was a big day for Corbin because not only was he in Grade 5, but he has a new teacher, a new classroom (on the other, or 'big kid', side of the school) and a new EA. He handled the day well.

He gave his teacher from last year, Ms. Mayea, a hug and then started talking to kids and saying hi. When he saw Ms. Johnston, his EA for the past 3 or so years, he didn't run up to her. He walked up and gave her a hug.

The big change for Jeremy this year was that he would be attending in the afternoon instead of the morning. A lot of the kids in the morning were sad to hear that. A few kids from last years JK class were in Jeremy's SK class, but for the most part, he will be making new friends this year.

The day went well for both boys. And that is all we can ask for.

Posted by Adam