Saturday, 19 July 2008

Kid #2

We left Brantford shortly before 9:00 AM. I took the 403 to the 407 (worth the toll to avoid the traffic and tourists) to the 400. Naturally, the 400 was packed all the way to Barrie. Highway 11 was marginally better.

Pick up day was well underway when we pulled into Camp Winston at 11:15 AM. Corbin saw Tina and ran up to her and gave her a big hug. I was the next recipient of a hug with Jeremy finally getting a hug.

Tina walked over to the Cabin to get his stuff. Christina, one of Corbin's Counsellor's helped us with the bag. I watched Corbin and Jeremy who ran to the Dining Hall when the heard the bell ring. The four of us grabbed a bite to eat. Corbin didn't eat, but Jeremy more than made up for that.

Corbin said his goodbyes and we left for the trip to Goderich. That drive wasn't too bad once we got off the 400 at Highway 89. Had a small detour around Harriston that threw me for a slow loop. Seems that the part of 89 between Harriston and Palmerston was renumbered to Highway 23. None of the maps, paper or electronic, I use had that change. Oh well.

It was nice to arrive in Goderich after a long day of driving. And unlike a past trip from Camp Winston, this one only took about 3 1/2 hours.

Posted by Adam