Wednesday, 16 July 2008

Cleaning Continues

With no kids in the house, Tina and I have been concentrating on cleaning up the house . . . and watching movies and shows on TMN On Demand.

Corbin's room is done save for the relocation of some wall hooks and a non-slip mat under the rug. I'm about three-quarters of the way done cleaning up the office/Jeremy's room. Just need to go through the closet, put away all the CDs and DVDs I found, find a home for some containers, put a wall hook and magnet board, and vacuum and wash the floor. I still need to organize the manuals but that can be saved for a rainy day - or when I have access to the dining room table.

Tina has completely cleaned up the rec room. Lots of space for the boys to play in behind the couch. Everything has been dusted and vacuumed. I just need to spend some time organizing the entertainment unit. Again, could be a rainy day or hot, humid day job.

Tina already vacuumed out the crawl space - where I removed the shelves. I just need to find a decent carpet to cover the imperfections in the floor. I need to redo the lighting.

Our bedroom and the bathroom need a good cleaning - I'm hoping to get the bathroom done Thursday before we get Corbin from camp.

Haven't done much outside, I'll be able to work on that next week during my vacation. I need to get quotes for new windows in the basement, a fence between the garage and house, a concrete pad beside the garage and reconstruction of the concrete porch in the backyard, and get two posts on our wooden fence replaced.

We may clean the carpets next week. Maybe.

Posted by Adam