Thursday, 31 July 2008
Ottawa Vacation - Day 2 - Part 2
When Sarah moved back to Ottawa, we promised Corbin that if we were ever in Ottawa, we would call her up and get together. We just didn't expect to happen this quick.
Sarah works in Gatineau, Quebec. She didn't have too much of a problem finding the hotel. Corbin and Jeremy were excited to see her.
We went down to the Elephant & Castle Pub and Restaurant for dinner. Everyone seemed to like their food, and I enjoyed my pint of Guiness. After supper, Sarah took us into Byward Market to have some Beaver Tails, an Ottawa specialty. It's dough that is flattened out, deep fried and then topped with powdered sugar and cinnamon. It was very tasty.
We wondered around the market. At one point I had to take Jeremy to the washroom - I was able to find one and Jeremy was happy to have relieved himself. We walked back to the hotel, changed into our swimsuits and joined the mayhem in the pool. Tons of kids to keep Corbin occupied. Sarah helped Jeremy with his swimming. Tina relaxed in the hot tub. I just swam around.
Corbin and Jeremy liked hanging out with Sarah, and it was good to see her again. It was time to say our goodbyes to Sarah.
A nice ending to an awesome day.
Posted by Adam
Ottawa Vacation - Day 2 - Part 1
It wasn't too busy so we were able to walk around the museum at a leisurely pace. Corbin liked the planes, especially the bomber with the gun turrets. Jeremy like the idea but wanted to go back to the hotel and jump in the pool. Halfway through our visit, we came upon a lady standing beside an ejection seat with a helmet and g-suit. That got the boys attention. Corbin and Jeremy put on the helmet and took a turn sitting in the chair. They were pumped.
Pictures forthcoming.
Wednesday, 30 July 2008
Ottawa Vacation - Day 1 - Part 1
Woke up at 5 AM, packed the van and left at 6:00 AM. The boys were in their pyjamas and half asleep, watching whatever was in their DVD player.
Pulled into the Pilot Travel Center in Tilbury for some gas and grub. This service centre is many times better than the Ontario service centres. They are cleaner and have people helping you out.
We arrived in Toronto around 9:45 AM - missing rush hour traffic but still having to slow down here and there. Had a quick pit stop in Pickering for a washroom break, coffee and DVD change.
The drive between Toronto and Kingston was uneventful. It rained a few times, but nothing major. We arrived in Kingston around 1:00 PM and took a break at Cataraqui Town Centre where we had a late lunch and walked around for about an hour.
It was the final stretch - 401 to 416 to 417. No problems save for typical traffic on the 417. Managed to find the Westin Hotel and pulled in just before 4:00 PM. Ten hours on the road (about eight hours of actual driving time) and we all survived.
We decided to use Valet Parking. A little more expensive but a lot more convenient. Tina registered us and up we went to our room for a much needed unwinding.
Posted by Adam
Wednesday, 23 July 2008
A Trip To The Toledo Zoo
We crossed the bridge and headed over to see what the seals and polar bears were doing. I took the boys on the train across the African Savannah. Jeremy was excited to see giraffes and zebras, while Corbin pretended he was in Africa.
Posted by Adam
Monday, 21 July 2008
Priceless Quotes
Jeremy to me, after I told him to close the door before he does his business in the bathroom.
Posted by Adam
Sunday, 20 July 2008
I Feel Like A Bus Driver
Today was no different.
The reason we stopped over in Goderich was to bring Bev back to Windsor for some more medical appointments. So we had one more body and some more luggage. I felt like a bus driver.
I did manage to break a 'fuel record' with the van, driving for 912 kilometres on one tank of gas. We filled up at the rest stop between West Lorne and Dutton on the 401. So on one tank of gas we drove to Brantford, up to Camp Winston, then across to Goderich and back down to Tilbury. Not bad mileage.
Posted by Adam
Saturday, 19 July 2008
Kid #2
Pick up day was well underway when we pulled into Camp Winston at 11:15 AM. Corbin saw Tina and ran up to her and gave her a big hug. I was the next recipient of a hug with Jeremy finally getting a hug.
Tina walked over to the Cabin to get his stuff. Christina, one of Corbin's Counsellor's helped us with the bag. I watched Corbin and Jeremy who ran to the Dining Hall when the heard the bell ring. The four of us grabbed a bite to eat. Corbin didn't eat, but Jeremy more than made up for that.
Corbin said his goodbyes and we left for the trip to Goderich. That drive wasn't too bad once we got off the 400 at Highway 89. Had a small detour around Harriston that threw me for a slow loop. Seems that the part of 89 between Harriston and Palmerston was renumbered to Highway 23. None of the maps, paper or electronic, I use had that change. Oh well.
It was nice to arrive in Goderich after a long day of driving. And unlike a past trip from Camp Winston, this one only took about 3 1/2 hours.
Posted by Adam
Friday, 18 July 2008
Kid #1
The trip up was smooth. We made good time and managed to pull into Babcia's house before 6:00 PM. Jeremy was very excited to see us - no puking this year.
We hugged and kissed him till he got tired of it. Then he went over to play with his friends. Seems that someone had a great time.
Posted by Adam
Thursday, 17 July 2008
Phase One Cleaning Done
Tina put some finishing touches in Corbin's room and completed the major task of cleaning and organizing the rec room. Dusted and vacuumed, the room looks clean and spacious. We managed to put out another four bags of garbage plus Tina took some stuff to Value Village. We have tossed out a lot of stuff - and there is more to toss out in the coming weeks as we attack the Everything Room, Crawl Space, Laundry Room, Kitchen and Garage.
I need to touch up the basement walls with paint and paint those walls that are still dark panelling. I also need to paint the wall by the front entrance where the bookcase was and relocate some hooks from the front closet.
Outside needs some major attention. The weeds have to be pulled, again, and the flowers deadheaded and trimmed. I need to work on relocating the sand box to the former vegetable garden and get some quotes for some concrete work, new aluminum gate and wooden fence repairs. I think I may squeeze in a quote for new windows in the basement - the paint is peeling off and I don't feel like scraping and painting them.
I've decided that next year in the garage, I am going to rip down the 'vapour barrier' and insulation and get some foam spray insulation instead. This will require me to tear down the workbench that is there, but it's a crappy bench to begin with and is too large. Some rewiring and new lighting will make the garage more usable. I've already taken down several shelves over the past two years.
And while we are finally relaxing, the cleaning fun never really ends.
Posted by Adam
Wednesday, 16 July 2008
Cleaning Continues
Corbin's room is done save for the relocation of some wall hooks and a non-slip mat under the rug. I'm about three-quarters of the way done cleaning up the office/Jeremy's room. Just need to go through the closet, put away all the CDs and DVDs I found, find a home for some containers, put a wall hook and magnet board, and vacuum and wash the floor. I still need to organize the manuals but that can be saved for a rainy day - or when I have access to the dining room table.
Tina has completely cleaned up the rec room. Lots of space for the boys to play in behind the couch. Everything has been dusted and vacuumed. I just need to spend some time organizing the entertainment unit. Again, could be a rainy day or hot, humid day job.
Tina already vacuumed out the crawl space - where I removed the shelves. I just need to find a decent carpet to cover the imperfections in the floor. I need to redo the lighting.
Our bedroom and the bathroom need a good cleaning - I'm hoping to get the bathroom done Thursday before we get Corbin from camp.
Haven't done much outside, I'll be able to work on that next week during my vacation. I need to get quotes for new windows in the basement, a fence between the garage and house, a concrete pad beside the garage and reconstruction of the concrete porch in the backyard, and get two posts on our wooden fence replaced.
We may clean the carpets next week. Maybe.
Posted by Adam
Sunday, 13 July 2008
Phone Call #2 From Corbin
So Tina said that we can absolutely send some mail. I sent Corbin an email that he should get during Monday's mail call and Tina prepared a card to be mailed out Monday and will hopefully be received on Thursday or Friday. I may send him another email Wednesday. Tina and I have made a mental note to send email and mail next year.
Corbin seems to be having a great time and talked about playing Star Wars with his friends. We also learnt that he changed bunks so another Cabin mate could have the top bunk. Wow, who is this kid?
Most of Corbin's answers were short as in "Yes" and quiet. At one point I told to be more excited and yell out the answer. He had tell the staff that "my dad told me to do that" and they all laughed.
We told him that Jeremy misses him and that Guinea is fine.
Posted by Adam
The Trip Back Home
We went outside where the clouds gave way to sun. Jeremy asked many questions. Imagine that. The train was a few minutes early. I was the only one getting on in Brantford. I found a row of seats to myself and waved to Jeremy - who had some problem finding me. Hmmmm.
The trip was largely uneventful to just east of Chatham. We had to wait about 10 minutes where the main freight lines cross, but the engineer seemed to make up time as we sped through Lakeshore. We crossed Banwell Road and the train came to a stop. This can't be a good thing.
Seems earlier in the day, a train jumped some tracks. VIA was told that any equipment would be cleared by the time Train 79 entered Windsor. It wasn't the case. We waited for about 15 or so minutes before slowly inching our way past Jefferson.
At 12:22 AM we pulled into Windsor Station. We were told that we are eligible for a 50% travel credit that can be used in the next 6 months. I was glad to be home. Tina had fun watching all the action at the train station.
Posted by Adam
Saturday, 12 July 2008
Babcia Camp, Here We Come
Instead of driving, I decided to take the train to make Babcia Camp 2008 a memorable experience. Jeremy could not stop talking about going on a 'big train'.
Tina dropped us of at the station and we said our good byes. We didn't have to wait long to board, but it did start to rain. Fortunately, we got on the train before the downpour. A few minutes later we were moving.
Jeremy handed our tickets to the VIA staff member who handed back the other half. Jeremy held on to the stubs for at least 20 minutes.
The first hour of the trip was full of question after question. What is this button? What is this thing for? What are these? What is that bag for? What was that sound? On and on. Jeremy had a drink and a fruit snack before heading off to the washroom. He was unsure at first but got the hang of it. He liked pressing the button that opened the flap and gushed in new water.
The second hour we spent playing toys. I let him play LEGO Indiana Jones on my Nintendo DS. Unfortunately, Jeremy saved over my game. Lesson learnt. Another trip to the washroom.
The final hour was a little more touchy. He was getting fidgety. But I pulled out he fishy crackers and all was well again. We got our stuff ready and walked to the front of the car. The motion of the car did not sit well with Jeremy because he was very quiet when Babcia gave him a big hug.
When asked if he liked the train ride, Jeremy responded with a reserved "yes".
Posted by Adam
Yard Sale A Bust
There was very little foot and pedestrian traffic - which is so unlike a typical Saturday on our street. And just after Tina dropped me off at the train station it began to rain, hard.
The yard sale was done. Tina and Jen dried off the big items such as the train table and table and chair set and few other things. The rest was loaded into the van and dropped off at Value Village.
We earned a whopping $25. Nothing like the over $200 we earned last year. Oh well. What can you do? Despite the dud of a yard sale, Tina was happy to get rid of the stuff one way or another. There is a lot of room in Corbin's room and in the basement.
Posted by Adam
Friday, 11 July 2008
Yard Sale 2008
Whatever does not get sold will be taken over to Value Village or similar. No holding on to things for the next yard sale. Sell it or dump it.
Posted by Adam
Wednesday, 9 July 2008
A Taste of Things To Come
We drove to the west side and had some wings and beverages at Hurricanes. It was 2 for 1 Wing night so we both got an order of 22 wings and fries. I ordered a Guinness and Tina had a Coke. It was tasty and delicious.
Back home, Tina helped me take measurements of our backyard so that I could enter them into the landscape software I bought. The mosquitoes were out in full force.
Posted by Adam
Tuesday, 8 July 2008
Sorry I Didn't Reach For You Two Days
He told us about some of the activities he had done so far - basically he has done everything. Boating. Swimming. Fishing. Ropes Course. Bike Riding. Hockey. Sports. And on and 0n and on. He sounded in very good spirits. We all said "Hi' to Corbin, even Jeremy seemed interested in talking (albeit with a mouth full of food).
Later that day, Denise, the Camp Director, called and said everything is going fine and she is most impressed with Corbin so far. Apparently, our oldest boy plays with the older boys, get involved in group activities and has become a star athlete. You are talking about Corbin, right Denise? It was good to hear positive things about Corbin and that he is having a wonderful and positive experience.
Posted by Adam
Sunday, 6 July 2008
Camp Winston Via Goderich, Day 3
Camp day had finally arrived. Naturally, today was the day the boys decided to sleep in. So much for being excited, hey Corbin?
Tina and I had our showers and quick breakfast. The boys eventually woke up and had their breakfast.
We packed and left Bev and Gerry's around 9:00 am. The weather was warm and sunny. I got some gas at the Shell station in town. Jeremy watched movies on his DVD player, while Corbin played with his Nintendo DS.
We made our way over to Wingham and followed 86 to 87 to Highway 89. Traffic was light, so I was making good time. In Mount Forest, we saw what must be one of the smallest Canadian Tire stores - the thing could not be more than 20,000 square feet. Compare that to the standard 120,000+ square foot Canadian Store. Around Shelbourne we saw a large wind farm.
Traffic began to increase after Shelbourne. We stopped for a pee break, coffees and timbits at Tim Horton's in Alliston. About 10 minutes later we were heading northbound on Highway 400. We arrived in Orillia just after 12 noon.
Popped into Wal-Mart to get some last minute things and kill some time before heading over to Boston Pizza for our 'traditional' lunch before heading up to Camp Winston - about a 20 minute drive. We made sure to spray on some bug repellent before leaving Orillia.
We take the 'back way' to Camp Winston via S Sparrow Lake Road / Canning Road. This gets everybody into the cottage mood and we get a chance to cross the single-lane swing bridge. We have only seen the bridge swing once. Every year the boys hope to see it swing open.
We arrived shortly after 2:00 pm and the place was a abuzz with activity. A counsellor met us and we headed over to the cabin. Along the way, Corbin ran to Denise, the Camp Director, yelled out her name and gave her a big hug. Denise could not believe that Corbin remembered her name and was amazed at how much he has grown.
In Cabin 5 we unpacked Corbin's stuff. Not wasting any time, Corbin asked if he could go fishing and the counsellor said "let's go". Tina reminded Corbin to say good bye before fishing, so he quickly said good bye and hugged us.
Jeremy played on the Jungle Gym under my watchful eye, while Tina waited in line to see the nurse. Then it was time for the long drive back to Windsor.
Part 2 - Camp Winston to Windsor
I put a new DVD in Jeremy's DVD player and Tina buckled him in. We headed out.
Highway 11 and 400 were packed, as usual. A few slow downs between Barrie and Vaughan, but nothing major. Originally we thought about going shopping but by the time we got to Highway 407 in Vaughan it was 4:00 PM, so we pushed through.
I took the 407 to avoid the 401/Airport area. Yes, you pay a toll, but it is well worth the stress-free drive. Back on the 401, traffic picked up. At the Milton rest stop, Tina took over driving duties, reluctantly. She does not like driving in the afternoon. After 13 years together, I learned something new about my wife.
We had leftover pizza from Boston Pizza, so I had a few slices. Jeremy had some snacks. Even Tina had a slice. Took a washroom break at the rest stop west of Woodstock. Tina got frozen treats for her and I and gum for Jeremy.
The drive was uneventful until mileage 120. Traffic came to a stand still. It was clear that the 401 was closed up ahead. I told Tina not to follow the traffic on the so-called EDR (Emergency Detour Route) and we took a different way back to the 401. The waiting and detour cost us about 45 minutes.
We arrived in Windsor around 9:00 PM tired but happy to be home. The van was quickly unpacked. We let Jeremy stay up a little before we all retired to bed.
Posted by Adam
Saturday, 5 July 2008
Camp Winston Via Goderich, Day 2
Tina and Corbin headed over to Tims to get some coffee and breakfast for Tina and I. On the way back, she dropped Corbin at Chris and Lisa´s. After eating and showering, we headed over there to check out life on East Street. The kids were playing okay, but Corbin was having some issues.
Lisa bribed Corbin with two dollars to empty and load her dishwasher. He did it with some help from Tina. It seemed to turn him around for the afternoon.
We headed over to Wal-Mart to pickup a few last minute items for camp, some sunglasses for me and some groceries for Bev.
The rest of the evening was okay. Corbin had a meltdown, but a bath calmed him down and eased some of his anxiety. At one point I gave Corbin´s Nintendo DS to Jeremy as punishment for him hitting Jeremy. Corbin was none to pleased. On the other hand, Jeremy cherished the moment.
Tina and Bev did some scrapbooking. I updated our blog. Gerry watched TV. Corbin played with his Nintendo and watched Superman on the other TV.
It´s off to bed to get some rest before a day full of travel.
Posted by Adam
Friday, 4 July 2008
Camp Winston Via Goderich, Day 1
Tina spent the morning packing Corbin´s stuff for camp and our stuff for the weekend. I cut the grass and then put down some weed and feed (hopefully this will help turnaround the grass in the backyard).
We left Windsor around 3:00 PM. Tina drove and I sat in the back with the boys. Corbin and I played a game together with our Nintendo DS while Jeremy watched a Harry Potter movie. A quick stop at Parks for a bathroom and food break. The drive was uneventful.
After feeding the boys, Tina and I headed out to find somewhere to eat in Goderich. We didn´t want fast food and we didn´t want a chain restaurant. We settled on Thyme on 21, which is located a hop, skip and jump from Bev & Gerry´s house.
It was busy and we didn´t have reservations. But the owner was able to fit us in said it would be about 15 minutes. While we waited, I drove the van over to Bev & Gerry´s so we could enjoy a bottle of wine during dinner.
We were shown to our table and I ordered a bottle of Pelee Island VQA Merlot. The waitress brought over a basket of freshly baked onion bread that was to die for. What a way to begin the meal.
For appetizers, Tina had the Spinach Salad, while I enjoyed the Vegetable Spring Rolls with a Thai Sweet and Spicy Dipping Sauce. The salad was light and the vinaigrette hit the spot. The spring rolls were piping hot, crispy on the outside and soft on the inside. The dipping sauce was perfect.
For the entree, I ordered the Grilled Lamb Tenderloin (cooked medium) with Port Wine Sauce, Red-Skin Mashed Potatoes and Fresh Vegetables. Tina settled on the Rolled Souffle stuffed with Goat Cheese, spinach and roasted peppers in a sun-dried tomato cream sauce and fresh vegetables.
The lamb was grilled to perfection. It was soft and would melt in your mouth. The mashed potatoes were just that and were the perfect accompaniment to the lamb. The vegetables were mouth watering delicious.
The souffle exceeded Tina´s expectations. It would disappear in your mouth leaving the delightful taste of the goat cheese, spinach and roasted peppers in your mouth. The sauce was simply amazing.
For dessert, Tina ordered the Creme Brulé to share, along with coffee. It was the perfect ending to a perfect meal.
We drank, ate, talked and drank some more. Being able to have a bottle of wine with an excellent meal was something we longed for.
If you are ever driving through or happen to be in Goderich and are looking for a great dining experience, we highly recommend Thyme on 21 Casual Dining.
Posted by Adam
Thursday, 3 July 2008
Happy Birthday Babcia
Posted by Adam
Tuesday, 1 July 2008
Canada Day
We spent the day cleaning out the garage. Tina went through her stuff and cleared up a bunch of space in the garage.
I helped the boys go through their outside toys. Jeremy had no problem getting rid of stuff. Corbin had a few issues. We told them that we would be getting some new outside toys to replace the old and worn or broken toys.
I swept the garage and took down two shelves at the back of the garage (a place where I hope to hang the hockey net during the summer and the bikes during the winter). I moved some things around - bringing back some ´order' to the garage. There were eight bags of garbage by the end of the day. It was all good.
Tina barbecued some chicken and made some spinach ravioli with tomato sauce. It was an excellent meal and an excellent way to end the day.
Posted by Adam