Sunday, 6 April 2008

The Sound Of Silence

Tina took the boys and her mom up to Goderich so that Bev could spend some time with Gerry before coming back to Goderich. That meant I had the house to myself. That meant I could sleep in without being woken up by a 4-year old wanting to be fed.

I slept in until 8:30 am. I know it doesn't sound like sleeping in, but trust me, that is at least 90 more minutes of sleep I get on your typical day.

I took my time getting to breakfast. I cut up some bacon and fried the pieces up. Next was 5 or 6 farm fresh eggs, scrambled. I put the bacon in and voila, scrambled eggs with bacon. It was heaven.

The rest of the weekend I did some chores. I cut all the dead perennials and cleaned up the leaves from the flowerbeds. I vacuumed the upstairs. I cleaned the bathroom. I watched TV. I browsed the internet.

Most importantly, the house was quiet and peaceful. Good times.

Posted by Adam

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