Sunday, 16 March 2008

Another March Break Is Over

March Break 2008 was a success. Despite the nasty weather at the beginning the week worked out.

The bad weather delayed our travel plans by two days, but it gave us time to get ready for the vacation and time to clean up the house. Tina wanted to come back to a clean house.

The vacation itself went without any major hitches. The two hotels - both Holiday Inn Express - satisfied our needs. The boys liked the four attractions we visited, though they really liked the Children's Museum of Indianapolis and the Louisville Science Center.

They also liked the fact that they got to swim three times. Though Jeremy did not like the 'deep' pools - it's time to put him back in swimming lessons after we get the all clear on the tubes in his ears. Tina and I enjoyed the large comfortable beds with the awesome bedding.

We took it easy over the weekend getting things ready for the upcoming school and work week. It was nice to unwind and relax.

A big thank you to the Karb's for taking care of Guinea and grabbing our mail while on vacation.

Posted by Adam

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