Earlier today, Jeremy took a nasty fall down the small staircase. He was carrying some toys and god only knows what he did. He fell on his arm. At first it didn't seem to bad, but as the day progressed he didn't use his left arm for much.
So Tina decided that after opening the presents, she would take Jeremy to the hospital to have him checked out.
Things didn't look promising. An x-ray confirmed that Jeremy had a buckle fracture (not sure if it was the ulna or radius) near his wrist. A buckle fracture is an incomplete break of the bone.
Jeremy now sports a nice new splint cast with bandaging. Follow up is with our family doctor. A search via Google reveals that buckle fractures heal quickly, usually about 3 weeks. So Jeremy should be healed up before his birthday party in January 2008.
I'll try to post a picture of Jeremy and his cast when I get a chance.
Posted by Adam