Monday, 12 November 2007

Weekend Success

The weekend away in Ann Arbor went by quickly. Tina and I did lots of shopping and lots of hanging out in our hotel room. Most of Christmas/Birthday shopping is done - just a few things for Jeremy.

Corbin had a rough morning with our worker, but he did manage to make it to school. Thanks Becky.

The drive back to Canada was uneventful (unlike the time we drove in a snow storm and it took us two hours to get to the border). About a half hour to the border, gas up and another 10 minutes at Customs. No problems at Customs.

We had time to spare so we headed up to Toys R Us but found nothing. We headed over to Costco and picked up a few more presents and supper before heading home via Tim Hortons.

A very relaxing weekend. We need to do this more often.

Posted by Adam