Today we drove out to Thiessen Orchards (a mile or so outside of Leamington) to do some apple picking. Jeremy was excited and kept talking about carrying a basket and picking apples. Obviously, he had seen apple picking in a book or on TV.The weather was just about right - not too warm or too cool. We arrived around 10:30 am, just after the Karb family arrived. So we grouped together and went out on a tractor ride. The boys enjoyed the very bumpy ride.
After the ride we grabbed some bags and a cart and headed out to pick some Red and Golden Delicious apples. The Red Delicious were in short supply but we managed to pick about three bags worth. Jeremy and Corbin had way too much fun. We headed back to get some other apples and pay for our haul.We weren't ready to head back to Windsor, so we stopped at the Wal-Mart in Leamington to do some shopping and then grabbed a late lunch at Gilligans. Their burgers are awesome - Jeremy just about ate his entire burger - which is bigger than your kids burgers at most restaurants.Posted by Adam
Tina need some away time from us to do some jobs around the house and to do some scrapbooking with Jen and Steph, so I made plans to spend the weekend with my Mom in Brantford.We headed out Friday afternoon, arriving in Brantford around 8 pm. The drive wasn't too bad. The only slowdown was just before the 401-403 split in Woodstock. The boys naturally ran up to Babcia giving her big hugs. They stayed up late, but both boys eventually fell asleep.Saturday morning we had an excellent breakfast. We headed out with Babcia to IKEA in Burlington. We browsed - Adam was looking to buy a chair for the master bedroom and take a look at some furniture. Babcia found a few things here and there. We had lunch in the store - managing to beat a rush of people. I had the swedish meatballs, Babcia had some roasted chicken, Jeremy ate his mac and cheese and Corbin had meatballs with fries.Before leaving Burlington, we drove over to the Costco to buy Corbin a Nintendo DS Lite - a gift from his Babcia. Tina and I decided that it would be best if we bought it with Babcia around so that Corbin could connect the present with Babcia. To that end, we told Corbin to bring his old Gameboy games. He had no idea why he was bringing them.He kept asking why he brought them. To avoid an ugly situation in IKEA, I finally told Corbin what was going to happen. He understood (therefore no problem at IKEA). Corbin and I walked in to Costco and picked out a black Nintendo DS Lite that came with two games and a basic case. Corbin was very very excited. He thanked Babcia and gave her a big hug and kiss.Back in Brantford, we charged up the game but Corbin showed no interest at first. He wanted to play the Nintendo 64. I said, fine, but I was not going to help him play the games. Eventually, he gave up the N64 and played, non-stop, on the Nintendo DS. Babcia was amazed.Jeremy and Babcia went out to play in the park late in the afternoon. Babcia was amazed with his level of energy. Jeremy did manage to fall asleep very quickly that night.Sunday was a take it easy day. No rush to get back. Another excellent breakfast. On our way out, I stopped by the Chip Wagon - can't go to Brantford and NOT get the chips. The drive back to Windsor was quick and uneventful. The boys had their DVD players and I had my CDs.Posted by Adam
Corbin had his first therapeutic horseback riding session today. With Jeremy in JK this year, Tina and I have to rotate who takes Corbin to horseback riding and who takes Jeremy to JK. It was my turn to take Corbin.Though arriving early, the preceding lesson was running late. Corbin found his helmet and put it on. This was followed by running around, riding the play horse and Corbin being Corbin.The lesson went well. Tyson, Corbin's horse, was a good fit. Hopefully, the lead will be removed in due time to encourage Corbin to better control the horse.Posted by Adam
Tina and I decided to take advantage of the nice weather and headed out to Ojibway Park with the boys. Corbin and Jeremy usually enjoy the trails, picking up sticks and whacking at the plants. Once in a while we may come across a snake, chipmunk, owl or other animals. This time around we saw a turtle and frog in the round pond and some more turtles in the long pond.Corbin brought his walkie-talkies. We encouraged him to go ahead and use the walkie-talkie to communicate with us. But Corbin seemed hesitant to walk out of sight - we are trying to instill some independence in him.Jeremy was cute; Corbin and Jeremy would run around and play silly games.It was a nice family outing.Posted by Adam
Jeremy and Corbin went to a birthday party today, leaving me alone to get some work done around the house. The toilet was not flushing well and was slowly running all the time.I bought a new valve - a quiet one that sits low to the bottom of the tank. Unfortunately the rigid water connection pipe did not quite meet with the valve, so I had to go out and by a new flexible pipe. No more water running. One problem fixed and a new problem added.Now the toilet does not completely flush and there is slow leak when ever the water is flushed. Argh. I'm going to have to kick out Tina and boys one weekend so I can take the toilet off, put on a new wax gasket, install new bolts and reconnect and see of the leaking is stopped and if the flushing works properly. Or I could by a new toilet - still need to deal with the bolts. Ah, the joys of home ownership.Posted by Adam
Yet another first for Jeremy today: take the bus from JK to Franco Sol (his daycare).During the JK class today, all the students received 'training' about the bus, how to sit on the bus, how to get off the bus and how to cross the street.Jeremy's bus trip was problem free. He sits with best friend Noah. He spends about 40 minutes on the bus - despite his daycare being located across the street from his elementary school. Mind you, the entrance to Franco Sol is located on busy main street.In the end, the 40 minute trip works for us, since Jeremy arrives at daycare at around 12 Noon. That means we don't have to pick him up until 4:00 pm, thereby only having to pay for half-a-day of daycare.Posted by Adam
Today was Jeremy's first full half-day in JK with the complete classroom. He was very excited. He had a great day and made some new friends, including Noah, his 'best' friend - for the time being.Posted by Adam
Jeremy had his 'visit' in the Junior Kindergarten class at St. Alexander's (he keeps calling it "Corbin's School"). He was very very very very very excited. He had has backpack ready (which is about half his size).
Tina and I walked him and Corbin to school. We took Jeremy to his classroom, where we met Ms. Thompson. He was the first student to arrive. He dropped his backpack and took a beeline to the toys. We had to literally beg him to come over and give us goodbye hugs and kisses. Posted by Adam
It's the day after Labour Day and that can only mean one thing: back to school. Yup, it's time to get the backpacks, lunches and 20 other things ready.Today Corbin starts Grade 4. That's six years at St. Alexander's. Time does fly. Here is this year's version of the annual 'stand by the kitchen door' picture.
Corbin looks excited about going to school. At least his teachers will be familiar. His Grade 4 teacher was his science last year and his French teacher was his Grade 3 teacher. Should make things easier for Corbin and all those involved.Jeremy doesn't start till Friday with a 2-hour 'visit'. Half-day Junior Kindergarten starts Monday morning.Posted by Adam
This morning we packed up and headed out back to Windsor. We stopped at the Tim Horton's in Grand Bend, which was very busy. We also stopped at Parks Blueberries to buy some baked goods, take a look around and stretch our legs.We grabbed an early dinner at Boston Pizza (which wasn't up to par compared to other Boston Pizza's - a baseball team came during our meal and caused our waitress to disappear. Tina was not pleased and spoke with the manager, who took five dollars off our tab). Some quick grocery shopping and we arrived home to a very excited and obviously happy guinea pig.Posted by Adam