After having lunch at Camp Winston, Corbin said good bye to the staff and we headed up to Sudbury.

The drive up to Sudbury was beautiful but uneventful. The Province of Ontario is upgrading Highway 69 into the four-lane limited access divided Highway 400. The only problem we encountered was the passing lane areas. Seems many people are translating the Passing Area sign to mean Speed Up and then Slow Down. It was infuriating. I can't wait till the 400 is built all the way up to Sudbury.
Finding the Holiday Inn in Sudbury was not too difficult - it's on the same road you enter the City from the south. We checked in, relaxed and then headed out for some dinner and some mini-golf. We had dinner at Pizza Hut - it was affordable, fast and provided us with leftovers to eat the next day.
Now about the mini-golf. On the way into town, I stopped at Tourist Information and grabbed some info about places in and around Sudbury. One was a mini-golf place near the Pizza Hut. After supper, we went looking for it but could not find it. Eventually, I saw a place that looked like a mini-golf place - seems the place when out of business. Fair enough, but it looked like it had been out of business for some time - yet the tourism center had brochures about the place. No mini-golf tonite.
Back at the hotel, the business was still listed in the yellow pages. Very odd. So, the family put their bathing suits on and we headed for a swim, in a cool pool. Why can't hotels heat their pools?
Posted by Adam