Dana, our former respite worker (she worked with Corbin - giving us a break) offered to babysit both Corbin and Jeremy one night. Naturally, we jumped at the opportunity. The boys did not seem all that concerned or sad that Mom and Dad were leaving them with Dana for the night. We headed out for dinner at the Mongolian Grill in Lakeshore. Eating at the Mongolian Grill is an experience. You grab a bowl and fill it your choice of noodle followed by your choice of meat or seafood. Next you pour a ladle of oil and then choose your sauce (or combination of sauces - watch out some are hot). You can add some herbs and spices to liven up your dish. You walk over to the grill, which is a flat 5 grill with a hole in the middle that heats up to 600 degrees F. The cooks take your bowl and pour on the grill and proceed to slice it and mix up with sticks. About 45 seconds later, your meal is ready for you to take back to your table. Fresh, hot and tasty.
After filling up on a few bowls, we drove over to the Lakeshore Cinemas to see what was playing. Harry Potter just came tonight so the majority of people were going to see that movie. We decided on Jarhead, a movie about a Marine who was involved in the first Gulf War. The movie was excellent - well written and well acted. It provides a unique point-of-view of the first Gulf War. Highly recommended. Next we stopped for a coffee and a donut at Tim Horton's. We arrived back to a quiet house - the boys were asleep. Dana said that everything went well. It was nice to get out and spend some time together away from the boys.