Sunday, 19 June 2005

Relay For Life - Goderich 2005

We headed up to Goderich this weekend to participate in the Canadian Cancer Society Relay For Life in memory of Mary Jean Boughner, Tina's Aunt who died just over a year ago. The Relay For Life is a 12 hour event from 7 pm to 7 am where teams of 10 take turns walking around a track. Money is raised through pledges. Our team consisted of Chris & Lisa (Team Captain) Muggridge, Bev & Gerry Muggridge, Mark & Rhonda Waldick, Scott & Robert McFarlane, Sarah & Emily Boughner, John & Lisa McFarlane and ourselves. It threatened to rain, but no rain came. It was cool night - which was good when walking but not so good when resting. By 4 am it was getting chilly and people were bundling up in sleeping bags. It was long night and everyone was tired at the end, but over $130,000 was raised at the Goderich event.